Escorts loiter underneath the overpasses on Gower in Hollywood before spilling into “classy” establishments like Bar Marmont or the Four Seasons. Strip clubs adorn the main drags of Los Angeles, their neon lights casting a bright yet depressing hue over the sidewalks. in particular is a place that’s still very much on that Pretty Woman tip. In case you didn’t know, escorts and strippers are, like, a real thing here in Los Angeles. I needed stimulation and excitement! I needed a burst of energy, a reminder of real life! Where’d you get it?”) No more ungodly amounts of sunlight shining down on my face that leave me feeling perpetually drugged. To get myself out of this Los Angeles-induced k-hole, I decided to go search for something real! No more sun-dazed conversations that take place on a nondescript patio (“Sooooo,” you say lazily, channeling Lauren Conrad or any other cast members of The Hills.” “How have you been? I love that necklace, by the way. (“Take the 405 to the 10 freeway, feel vaguely depressed and eat an avocado.
and your biggest accomplishment of the day was pretending that you were Joan Didion. The sun is too damn bright, the lunch dates are too long.
As it happens, I’m currently in Los Angeles for “work.” I put work in quotes only because I’m not sure if it’s possible to actually get any work done in this city.